Monday, March 15, 2010


Symbian^3 software release offers a powerful capability package for all Symbian device manufacturers. Naturally, the productization of the capabilities integrated in the Symbian^3 platform in devices is subject to Symbian Foundation members’ own decisions and product roadmaps. Along with more efficient memory management, allowing more apps to run in parallel, Symbian^3 also includes support for HDMI, so users can plug their device into a TV and watch a 1080p movie. The new graphics architecture will use hardware acceleration to offer users a much improved user interface.
The new homescreen supports multiple pages for widgets, enabling the user to just flick between each one. Across the board we’ll also see a range of network improvements, including the ability to automatically switch from cell network to WLAN automatically, without user interruption. The platform is also ready for 4G networks.


Nokia Symbian^3 User Interface Demo

Nokia Conversation


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