Friday, October 23, 2009

PSP Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-A

Minimum required to install it:

* A PSP-1000 or PSP-2000 v1 or v2 (that means all the PSP can be flashées)
* A PSP with Custom Firmware 3.52 M33-3 or higher already installed

What are the possibilities of our Custom firmware 5.50GEN-A:

* All functions of the official 5.50 firmware
o The [Information Board] has been added under [PlayStation Network]
Those of you who have a PS3 should be familiar with this feature, which displays news and updates from SCEE in the upper right corner of the screen. You can now obtain information about the games ahead of the new content available on the Playstation Store, and other news from your PSP even if you are connected to WiFi. Note that on PS3, this feature is disabled by most users as it is accused of slowing down the connection and the console.
o Support for Internet security service provided by Trend Micro has been added to [Internet Browser]
- End Micro Web Security: use technology to block access to malicious sites that can steal personal information and confidential -
- Trend Micro Kid's Safety: You can block access to websites with inappropriate content.
o icone [Internet Search] has been added to the menu bar of your browser
Was it really necessary?

o In the menu option of a game [Thursday], you can now perform an Internet search using the name of the game as a keyword.
By selecting the icon of the game and then pressing triangle and selecting [Internet Search] in the options menu allows you to get search results based on the name of the game This feature also comes from the PS3 or she appeared with the update 2.70

o It is now possible to see an additional level of hierarchy under [Photo] [Music] and [Video]
It is now possible to create and access sub-folders in the folders Music, video and photo. More seriously missing.

* Launch of UMDs to ISOs to CSOs and demos require firmware 5.50 or below
* Launch homebrews

* Launch of PS1 games (converted to PSP)
* Access to Recovery mode (adjusts the processor speed of the PSP, FLASH access, use plug-ins etc.). (qj)


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